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Joe Cecil was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. At the age of 18 he began traveling the world. During these adventures he studied art in Europe, Africa, and Mexico. Joe draws from a successful career as an art teacher and illustrator. He holds a Master of Fine Arts in painting and drawing from Academy of Art University (2018); Master of Arts in painting and ceramics from Ball State University (2007); a Bachelor of Science in Management from University of Maryland (2006), studied art at Ball State University (2004-2006). He has completed a workshop with one of the world’s leading figurative artist, Odd Nerdrum (2011).


Joe won numerous state level awards for his paintings and ceramics. His artwork has been viewed in museums and galleries that include the David Owsley Museum and the Mennitrista Gallery in Muncie, Indiana; Morrison Gallery in Elizabethtown, Kentucky; six Universitys across Kentucky; and represented in the 41st Infantry Museum, Garlstedt, Germany.


He immersed himself in Norse mythology after it was determined that he was part Scandinavian through DNA testing. His artwork is an attempt to express his cultural background in a dignified and realistic manner. He finds that Norse mythology is misrepresented in contemporary culture. This theme was his central focus for his MFA Final Project at the Academy of Art University, San Francisco.  He invites you to share his journey with the Norse gods.

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